Here is a link to the original story on the team's website.
Doubledays announce new community campaign, #52forU
The Auburn Doubledays, Short Season Class A affiliate of the Washington Nationals, are pleased to announce a new campaign called #52forU this offseason. #52forU is a program that is designed to help individuals and families throughout our community and beyond, by giving back time and resources to the community. The Doubledays staff will be attending events, providing help, and giving back every week for 52 weeks. The program will also be included in the 2018 season in the stadium and around the community.
“We are blessed to be part of an organization that has the ability to make a difference in the community.” said Adam Winslow, General Manager of the Auburn Doubledays. “We have the ability to be a catalyst for change and positivity in our community and we need to take advantage of that position.
“Having a program like #52forU is something that we have been talking about since our team came together in March of 2017.” said Shane Truman, Assistant General Manager Community Relations. “We always talk about the importance of supporting our community, and how we have to help in order to get the community to rally behind our organization.
#52forU is just kicking off and there is quite a buzz in the air at and around Falcon Park. Ideas have been flying as to where to help and give back, but the team is always looking for more opportunities. If you have events or causes that the Doubledays can be a part of you are encouraged to reach out to them by calling the office at 315-255-2489, or by emailing
Follow the Auburn Doubledays on social media: @AuburnDoubledays on Twitter and Instagram, and at