Offering generated from three separate Party at the Joe events over course of season
Thanks to the Charleston RiverDogs and Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, fans were able to enjoy the great atmosphere of The Joe with the club on the road. Through three separate Party at the Joe events, Lowcountry residents savored great drink specials and heard from some of the best local musicians in the area.
While relishing in those good times, those in attendance also lent a hand to the Winwood Farm Home for Children, an Awendaw based center which provides therapeutic residential services to hundreds of abused and neglected children.
During Monday night’s game with the Asheville Tourists, RiverDogs General Manager Dave Echols and Director of Special Events Melissa Azevedo presented a donation worth $1,272 to representatives from Winwood Farm.
“All three of our Party at the Joe events were well-received by our fans, and we are thrilled to help Winwood Farm in their mission to provide a safe haven for children in need,” said Echols.
Winwood Farm Home for Children has been restoring hope to children for more than 25 years, since 1985. In that time, staff at Winwood has afforded hurting children a reason to smile, stand tall, and laugh while simply being a kid.