Here is a link to the original story on the team's website.

SPRINGDALE, Ark – The Northwest Arkansas Naturals and Grand Lake Casino are proud to support the Northwest Arkansas community by partnering on a new ‘Winning for Charity’ promotion that will be instituted during regular season home games.
For each Naturals’ victory at Arvest Ballpark during the 2017 regular season, Grand Lake Casino will donate $100 to a local charity. For all April and May wins, the donation will be given to Lifeline of Northwest Arkansas, proceeds from June and July victories will be given to Cancer Charity 4 Life, and Arkansas Children’s Northwest will be the beneficiary of wins in August.
“Grand Lake Casino is committed to giving back” said Grand Lake Casino General Manager Dusty Logan. “The Northwest Arkansas community are our neighbors and we are so pleased to partner with the Naturals to donate to charities that do such great work in the Northwest Arkansas area.”
The ‘Winning for Charity’ partnership with Grand Lake Casino continues with the Northwest Arkansas Naturals’ tradition of giving back to the local community as the Naturals’ ticket fundraising program has helped raise over $100,000 in six straight seasons for area groups, including over $20,000 in the first homestand of 2017 alone. In addition to the ticket fundraising program, the organization has also contributed to over 200 non-profit events and silent auctions so far this year.
Follow the Northwest Arkansas Naturals on Facebook and Twitter @NWANaturals all throughout the year by using the hashtag #NaturalPastime and #CrowntoCrown for all of our up-to-date information on Season 10 of Naturals baseball.
The Northwest Arkansas Naturals are the Double-A Texas League Affiliate of the Kansas City Royals. The Naturals play at state-of-the-art Arvest Ballpark in Springdale, Ark. For more information, including statistics, ticket options, and more, please visit, and follow us on Twitter @NWANaturals and
This story was not subject to the approval of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues or its clubs.