Here is a link to the original story on the team's website.
The Greenville Drive and The Blood Connection are teaming up again in 2018 to hold blood drives at Fluor Field. The first blood drive of the season is scheduled for Thursday, April 5th. The Blood Connection buses will be set up outside the Main Street gates between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
Fans who stop by Fluor Field and donate blood will receive a ticket voucher to a 2018 Drive game at Fluor Field, subject to availability, and a Blood Connection t-shirt. They will also be provided with a hot dog, chips and a drink after donating.
One lucky fan from The Blood Connection’s blood drives on April 5th at Fluor Field and April 6th at select locations will receive a Red Sox VIP Experience, which includes two pavilion reserved tickets to a Red Sox game, two nights in a Boston hotel, a VIP tour of Fenway Park, and a $500 airfare voucher.
For more information on The Blood Connection and donating blood, CLICK HERE.
This story was not subject to the approval of the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues or its clubs.