Here is a link to the original story on the team's website.

Ten members of the Worcester Red Sox’ front office attended the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance’s “Karaoke for a Cure” event on Thursday, November 3, at the Manor in West Boylston.
The goal of the event was to raise awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer research and local patient care. Attendees had the opportunity to sing karaoke to compete for the title of “Karaoke for a Cure’s Best Singer.” Additionally, the event featured raffles, an auction, and a buffet.
Alex Richardson, Tim Quitadamo, Tayla Bolduc, Natalie Reid, Bryan Simmons-Hayes, George Lorin, Eric Olafsen, Danny Malm, Yasmine Museme, and Simi Stark represented the WooSox at the event. The WooSox showed their support by purchasing a table and donating items toward the raffles and auction.
“This night was filled with beautiful voices, laugher, and tears, as our community took another leap forward towards raising awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer,” said WooSox Director of Baseball and Game Day Operations, Alex Richardson. “Conquering cancer is one of our four pillars for the WooSox Foundation. We strive to support organizations such as the Pancreatic Cancer Alliance, who spotlight heroes, provide a respite to those receiving treatment, and offer a hug to those who could use just a little more love.”
Pancreatic cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. It also has the lowest survival rate. Richardson and the WooSox thank their community partners for helping them “go purple” during World Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, and for working to combat this deadly disease all year round.