Eight schools recognized for perfect Reading Challenge participation
The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) and the Fisher Cats Foundation awarded $5,000 to local schools on Monday night at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium. A total of eight schools were honored on the field for having one-hundred-percent of their students complete the Fisher Cats Reading Challenge presented by the Community College System of New Hampshire during the 2012-2013 academic year.
The eight schools from across New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts were recognized as finalists during Monday’s ceremony for having every student complete the challenge by reading five books outside their normal school curriculum. Each school was entered into a drawing to win one of three cash prizes, totaling $5,000, from the Fisher Cats Foundation. Salisbury Elementary School earned the top prize of $3,000; Smyth Road Elementary and St. John Regional Junior High School were each awarded a $1,000 prize for their all-encompassing efforts during the challenge.
“This is a tremendous success for the faculty and students at each and every one of these schools,” said Fisher Cats president Rick Brenner. “We congratulate them for putting in the time and effort to meet our challenge this year. Their dedication shows a true commitment to the improvement of their education both in the classroom and at home.”
“New Hampshire’s Community Colleges are proud to be part of this effort to highlight the importance of literacy to New Hampshire students,” said Shannon Reid, Director of Communications for CCSNH. “The Reading Challenge involves students, parents, and teachers in an effort that is both purposeful and fun. The support of the Fisher Cats organization adds a special dimension and reward for the students who earn tickets in recognition of their reading achievement and for the schools that took home prizes.”
On Monday night, faculty members of Ashby Elementary School, Errol Consolidated School, Maple Avenue Elementary School, Milan Village School, Russell Elementary School, Smyth Road Elementary School, Salisbury Elementary School, and St. Joseph Regional Junior High School were all celebrated for their success.
During the school year, the Fisher Cats and CCSNH reached out to more than 55,000 students in approximately 150 schools to present the CCSNH Reading Challenge. Students needed to read at least five books outside of their normal school curriculum in order to earn individual recognition at a Fisher Cats game. Upon completing the challenge, each student received a pair of tickets, courtesy of CCSNH, to a Fisher Cats Reading Challenge game and the opportunity to participate in a pre-game parade around the field.
This article originally appeared on the Fisher Cats’ website, and can be viewed here.