The Hens have won six straight games on the field, but off the field the team has been winning, too. On Monday, 8/13, Audy Ciriaco read to Latino children at the TMC Migrant Seasonal Head Start in Millbury, in support of the Books 4 Buddies program. Later that day, Thad Weber, Adam Wilk and Danny Dorn made a visit to Toledo Children’s Hospital. PHOTOS
Founded by 14-year-old Touré McCord II, Books 4 Buddies encourages children and teenagers, especially boys, to read for pleasure and personal development. A native of the Dominican Republic, Ciriaco read two Spanish language books to the children & assisted with a free book distribution for the children and their families.
Later that day, pitchers Thad Weber, Adam Wilk and infielder Danny Dorn made a visit to Toledo Children’s Hospital. They played air hockey & foosball with some of the patients and handed out autographed baseballs. They were even spotted hanging out with some chipmunks!
“The Mud Hens feel it’s important to have a strong presence off the playing field as well,” says Cheri Pastula, manager of community relations. “The players really enjoy interacting with children and we are thrilled to have to have them makes visits likes this throughout the community.”
This article originally appeared on the official website of the Toledo Mud Hens. Click here to view the original story.