Frank Harrision Middle School, Dirigo Middle School, and Tremont Consolidated School Earn Financial Donations from the Sea Dogs Organization
Portland, Maine– The Portland Sea Dogs, Double-A affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, will honor over 1,200 students throughout Maine who have successfully completed Slugger’s 2013 Reading Challenge.
In the fall, Slugger the Sea Dog issued a reading challenge to Maine students to read five books above and beyond any required school reading. Any student who successfully completed the challenge would receive a ticket to a Sea Dogs game where they would be honored in a pre-game ceremony.
Over 50 schools throughout Maine participated with 1,213 students completing the challenge. Students will be honored at the following Sea Dogs games; Sunday, April 7th vs. Trenton, Tuesday, April 9th vs. Reading, and Wednesday, April 24th vs. Binghamton.
The Sea Dogs have also made a financial contribution to the three schools with the highest rate of students who successfully completed the challenge. Frank H. Harrison Middle School in Yarmouth had the highest completion rate at 96.8% and received a $1000.00 donation from the Sea Dogs. Dirigo Middle School ranked second with a 95% completion rate and will receive a $500.00 donation. Rounding out the top three was the Tremont Consolidated School with a 76.8% completion rate and will receive a $250.00 donation from the Portland Sea Dogs.
Slugger’s Reading Challenge was presented by Maine’s Public Universities System.
“The Portland Sea Dogs are committed to promoting education and reading within our community,” stated Sea Dogs General Manager Geoff Iacuessa. “We are proud that so many students successfully completed Slugger’s Reading Challenge, we look forward to honoring them at a game.”
Book your nine inning vacation. Tickets for all 2013 Portland Sea Dogs’ home games are available and can be purchased by calling the Sea Dogs Ticket Office at 207-879-9500 or online at
This article originally appeared on the official website of the Portland Sea Dogs. Click here to view the original story.